Monday, April 16, 2012

You Could Lose That Sale!

In our previous Blog post we discussed that to be a successful Agent/Broker you need to understand that its not only about “Location, Location, Location” it is also about “Communication, Communication, Communication” , who communicates first and in a way each separate Generation is going to expect from you.  Loosing a sale could be as simple as that...because you didn't communicate in a way that Potential Buyer is comfortable with. 
You could also lose a sale just because you don't have personal information about yourself posted on your United Country “Meet Or Team” page or on your own personal real estate web page.  One thing these generations have in common is  wanting as much information about the company and/or the Agent/Broker before deciding to choose them in helping them make one of the biggest decisions in their life.  Wouldn’t you want to know as much as you could about the person getting ready to assist you in spending thousands/millions of dollars in one of the largest investments of your lifetime?

Having as much information available about yourself and your area is another one of your biggest challenges!  Would you move to another state by yourself or with your family without looking into it first?  I have noticed that about 90% of United Country’s Potential Buyers are from out of state.  (ie., your Confidentials)  Think about what it is you would want to know about before making this life altering decision.  Checking out the educational system, the health care system, job industry and so much more is a essential part of this process.  Have you ever noticed that the people who live in a “site seeing” area or a recreational area don't go to see the sites or use the recreation available.  But...people looking to move into that same area are wanting to know about all this.  They want to know the sites and they want to know what your area has to offer.  United Country suggests that each office has their own Lifestyles Brochure.  

Let these Potential Buyers get to know you and your company...get them hooked on your area and they will be begging you to help them find a home. 

Reaching out to your past clients and asking them to post comments on your Youtube Channel, your Facebook page, Twitter, Blog, Google+ and so on would play a crucial roll in the reputation you want all these Potential Buyers to see about you. 

When it comes to Generation Y home buyers, as a real estate agent you’re going to find that their needs are different from the previous generation of home buyers.  This generation is accustomed to operating in a world with remote controls, Internet and smart phones. In other words, they are accustomed to instant communication at the tips of their fingers.  When it comes to building, selling and marketing to this generation – it’s totally different. They’ll expect home to be wired with the necessary technology and connectivity to accompany their gadgets. When you find a property of interest to them, they’ll expect you to send the information instantly to be viewed on a laptop, smart phone or personal digital assistant (PDA).

:  Generation “Y” has out numbered baby boomers and 96% of them have joined a social   network
:  14% of consumers trust advertisements
:  78% trust peer recommendations. Word of mouth matters
:  3 of 4 Americans use social technology
:  2/3 of the global populations visit social networks

Did you also know . . .
8  13 hours ...the amount of video uploaded to YouTube every minute
8  100,000,000 of YouTube videos viewed each day
8  93% of social media users believe a company should have a presence in social media.  
8  90% of homebuyers use the internet to search for information and homes!  First time home buyers are the fastest growing segment in the market today.

Being a successful Agent/Broker you need to understand that its not only about “Location, Location, Location” it is also about “Communication, Communication, Communication”, who communicates first and in a way each separate Generation is going to expect from you.  Loosing a sale could be as simple as that...because you didn't communicate in a way that Potential Buyer is comfortable with. Loosing a sale could also be as simple as you not proving enough information about your area so the potential buyer loses interest.

It Just Makes Sense!

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